25 years of CDMO services at the highest level

Richter-Helm BioLogics proudly celebrated the 25th company anniversary on August 22nd with the handover of the certificate by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK), Kiel.

For 25 years we have been standing for first-in-class quality, GMP-compliant biopharmaceutical CDMO services in microbial systems. For 25 years we have been supporting customers with innovation and successful project implementation leading to high customer satisfaction. We offer our customers flexible and tailor-made solutions in the areas of process development, manufacturing and analytical services, thus ensuring reliable global market supply for registered biopharmaceuticals as well as active pharmaceutical ingredients used in clinical phases.

Handover of certificate for the 25th company anniversary.

Mr Kirschberger, representative of the Chamber of Commerce in Kiel, and Dr. Pohlmeyer, Managing Director at Richter-Helm BioLogics

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